What is data?
Raw facts & figures are called data. Unorganized facts which are to be proceeds in order to get some meanings, data are simply value or sets of values. The data can denote a collection of facts that can serve as a base to the computer program.
What is information?
The processed and manipulated form of data is called information. It is more meaningful than data. It is used for making decisions. Data is used as input for processing and information is the output of this processing.
What is data processing?
Data processing is any computer process that converts data into information or knowledge. The processing is usually assumed to be automated and running on a computer. The processing of manipulating data to achieve the required objective and results is called data processing. The software is used to process raw data. The software converts raw data into meaningful information.
What is data manipulation?
The process of applying different operations on data is called data manipulation. It includes the operations of classifying, calculating, sorting and summarizing. Data manipulation is the way in which data can be manipulated and changed.
What is field?
A field is a combination of one or more character. It is the smallest unit of data that can be accessed by the user. A field is identified uniquely by field name.
Why it is important to specify data type and size of a field?
The data type of a filed specifies the type of data that can be stored in the field. The field size defines the maximum number of character that can be stored in a field.
What is meant by a record?
A collection of related fields treated as a single unit is called record. For example, a Student Record includes a set of fields about the student such as Roll Number, Student Name, Class, Section, Phone No and Address etc.
What is a file?
A collection of related records treated as a single unit is called file. Files are stored in disk like hard disk, CD, DVD or USB etc. a student file may contain the many records of students.
What is file name and file extension?
The file name is consists of file name with its extension. The name and extension of file is separated by dot. The extension is normally assigned by the software in which it is created such as student.doc.
What is an index?
An index consists of key values and the corresponding disk address for each record in the file. Index refers to the place on a disk where a record is stored. The index file is updated whenever a record is added or deleted from the file.
What is database?
A database is a collection of logically related data sets or files. These files are normally of different natures and are used for specific purposes. The files may be organized in different ways to meet different processing and retrieval requirements of the users.
What is the meaning of related database?
The word related means that a database is normally created to store the data about a particular topic.
What is the meaning of efficient database?
The word efficient means that the user can search the required data quickly.
What are the four major components of database system?
The four major components of the database systems are data, hardware, software and personnel.
What are the different objectives of the database?
There are three basic objective of the database. These objectives are as follows:
- Data Integration: It means that data is logically centralized even if it may be located at different locations.
- Data Integrity: It means the reliability and accuracy of data.
- Data Independence: It means that the data and the application program are separated from each other.
What are types of logical database models?
There are three types of logical database models. These models are as follows:
- Hierarchical Model
- Network Model
- Relational Model
What is Database Management System (DBMS)?
A database management system (DBMS) is a collection of programs that are used to create, maintain and access database in a convenient and efficient manner. DBMS uses database manager software to control the overall structure of a database.
What are the main objectives of DBMS?
The important objectives of the DBMS are shareability, availability, evolvability and database integrity.
What are the features of DBMS?
The important features of the DBMS are data dictionary, utilities, query language, report generator, access security, backup and recovery.
What is data dictionary?
Data dictionary is used to store data definitions or describes of the structures of data used in database. It may also monitor the data that is entered. It endures that data is according to the data definition rules.
What is the purpose of backup and recovery?
Backup is used to store a copy of important data in database. The recovery process uses the data in backup if the original data is damaged due to any reason.
What are the advantages of DBMS?
Advantages of DBMS are data independence, support of complex data relationship, data security, backup and recovery.
What is the meaning of data independence?
Data independence means that data and application programs are separate from each other. The user can change data storage structures and operations without changing the application programs. The user can also modify programs without reorganization of data.
What are the disadvantages of DBMS?
Disadvantages of DBMS are additional system overhead, additional training, need for data dictionary and possible problems due to wrong type of database.
Give some names of the large databases.
The databases are NADRA, ATM machines, Google database etc.
What is entity?
An entity is any thing about which information is stored in the database. The entity must have a unique identifier. The identifier is composed of one or more attributes.
What is view? Also define its purpose.
A view is also called virtual table. The basic purpose of using views is to keep data safe and secure from unauthorized and illegal users. A view can also display records from multiple tables. The views provide more flexibility and security in displaying data.
What is a key? Also define its purpose.
Single or combination of multiple fields is called key. Its purpose is to access or retrieve data rows from table according to the requirement. The key are defined in tables to access or sequence the stored data quickly and smoothly. Key is also use to create links between different tables.
What are the types of Keys?
Different types of keys are use in databases. These keys are as follows:
- Primary Key
- Secondary Key
- Candidate Key
- Alternate Key
- Composite Key
- Sort Key
- Foreign Key
What is primary key?
The attributes or combination of attributes that uniquely identifies a row or record in a relation is called primary key.
Who is a user or end user?
A user or end user is a person who uses computers for his specific needs. He/She might have a moderate knowledge of computers, computer science and information technology. He/She does not need to know in-depth knowledge of computer system.
Who is data administrator?
A data administrator is a person uses computers for his specific needs. He might have a moderate knowledge of computers, computer science and information technology. He does not need to know in-depth knowledge of computer system.
Who is database administrator?
A database administrator is responsible for the design, implementation, operation, management and maintenance of database. Database administrator is responsible to ensure proper database access and security.
What is analysis?
A process of studying the existing system is called analysis. The basic purpose of analysis is to know which activities are performed in the current system. The analysis also determines what should take place in the new system.
What is entity or object?
Anything that is participating in the system is known as data entity or object. Some examples of entities are TEACHER, STUDENT, CLASS etc. An entity represent by a rectangle.
What is an attribute or property?
The characteristics of an entity are called attributes or properties. Some examples of attributes of TEACHER are Teacher ID, Teacher Name, Phone No etc. An attributes is represent by an oval.
What is a relationship?
A logical connection between different entities is called relationship. For example, a relationship exists between a TEACHER and STUDENT because teacher teaches student. The entities that participate in a relationship are called participants.
What is cardinality?
The number of entity occurrences associated with one occurrence of the related entity is called cardinality. It specifies how many instances of an entity relate to one instance of another entity. It means that cardinality specifies the maximum number of relationships.
What are the types of relationship?
The relationship can be:
- One to one
- One to many
- Many to many
What is modality?
Modality describes relationship as either mandatory or optional. It specifies absolute minimum number of relationships. The relationship is called optional if minimum number is zero. The relationship is called mandatory if minimum number is one or more.
What is an Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram?
A graphical representation of entities in a database and relationships between them is called Entity-Relationship Diagram or ER-Diagram. The rectangle is commonly used to represent entities. The diamonds are normally used to represent relationships and ovals are used to represent attributes.
What is meant by database integrity?
Database integrity means the correctness and consistency of data. It is another form of database protection. Security means data must be protected from unauthorized operations.
What is a synonym?
A type of problem that exists in relations is called synonym. A synonym is creates when two different names are used for the same information or attribute. The name of attribute must be same if it exists in two or more entities.
What is meant by redundancy?
Duplication of data in multiple files is called redundancy. It is a type of problem that exists in relations. It is created when the same information is unnecessary stored in two different ways or forms.
What is normalization?
A process of converting complex data structure into simple and stable data structure is called normalization. It is a process of analyzing the dependencies of attribute with in entities. The attributes for each entity checked against three sets of rules connectively.
What is partial dependency?
A type of dependency in which one or more non-key attribute are functionally dependent on part of primary key is called partial dependency.
What is transitive dependency?
The transitive dependency is a type of functional dependency between two or more non-key attributes. It exists if a non-key attribute depends on any another non-key attribute.
What is meant by RDBMS?
RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System. It is a collection of programs that manages the complexity of a relation database. A database in which data is stored in relations called RDBMS.