Saturday, 11 October 2014


We have this dogma in our young minds that they only need a credential (degree) to find themselves a career in life. That might be one requirement but not certainly all of it. Apart from possessing the necessary technology and business  skills, professionals have to be  creative, inquisitive, willing to take risks, result-oriented,  opportunity-hunting, willing to learn  and  best be a team worker. After a lengthy research and discussions, I was able to formulate that the present Pakistani job market holds opportunities for people  having expertise in Software  Developers, Analysis and Assurance Computer Engineering, Geo-Technology,  Telecommunications,  Project Management, Hardware  and  Networking, Data base and System Administration, Content editing, and most of all TEACHING. This one field might not hold enough attrition (especially in  terms of a good package and a challenging job) but yes, if you want to make a difference than you might go for it applying that you get your  self both of the above mentioned things by proving your self a good students at exams, projects and presentation.

That ‘SCHOOL’ is no longer the place where the bulk of a students learning takes place, and may even be the place where interest in learning is often destroyed by doing temporary memorisation. Most agree that the needs  of education today (and a much  closer ‘tomorrow’) are totally different from those of yesterday. The speed of change,  coupled with the effects of globalization, has also added new twists. While technology alone does not answer all needs it will be the educator’s most useful ally. The ‘one-size-fits-all’ education philosophy is not only invalid but will ultimately do more harm than good. New methods are  evolving. Educators  must, like scientist in a lab, thinker  and prod the  process of CHANGE  and ADOPTION. We are witnessing a totally new dimension of education. To keep pace with the rapid technological change taking place globally, we must adapt to these changes, or the left behind. We have new tools that can transforms the process of education it self. We need to understand these tools and their potential and to involve them in  our  evolving  as a technologically aware nation. We have new, computing needs and opportunities in society, and we can’t afford to have them compromised. Education is the key for over success in the individually and collectively, and our current patters are downheartedly obsolete. We have to build up an education system that constantly upgrade its responses, and transforms it self according to the needs and demands of the time. Pakistan is very promising market. We have a population of more than 140 million, with most of the young ones speaking the language of technology. We have a government how has never been more open to the prospects of progress. We have made significant investment. With that population, we have thousand of students with an IQ level in the genius category but we don’t give all of them a challenging educational environment, which unleashes their creativity. They are bound to attend institution  where they learn to memories  and reproduce facts in examinations. We need to do what ever is needed to be done to give over students a competitive edge to be right up there at the forefront.

1 comment:

  1. Sir please start career concealing that very important and needy for students
